Kubermatic is a German company headquartered in Hamburg that specializes in delivering Kubernetes clusters and maintaining and managing the clusters on an ongoing basis.

The portfolio primarily consists of two open-source products:

KubeOne is a CLI-based Kubernetes cluster provisioner which can be used to automatically provide and manage Kubernetes clusters in private and public cloud environments. 

Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform (KKP) is a multi-cluster management platform for Kubernetes. This platform enables Kubernetes clusters to be provided automatically in private and public clouds. Furthermore, KKP enables the entire cluster life cycle to be managed. The provision of the Kubernetes clusters differs compared to other providers, as only the worker nodes are provided and deployed in the corresponding cloud infrastructure. The control plane is provided in containers on a seed cluster. This saves overhead costs when providing clusters, as no additional master servers need to be planned. It also facilitates the creation of an edge infrastructure based on Kubernetes.

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Torben Kehlenbeck Foto
Torben Kehlenbeck
Partner Manager