
WGKT innovation prize for SVA data scientist Linda Rebstadt

Valuable contribution in health care advancements
Header Preisverleihung WGKT

We want to congratulate our employee, Linda Rebstadt, on receiving the WGKT Innovation Prize for her master thesis on the subject of “Spark-based analysis of monitoring data of patients in intensive care to identify anomalies: A use case of the Charité Health Data Platform” as part of her Data Science degree.

The WGKT Innovation Prize is an award by the Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Krankenhaustechnik (WGKT – Scientific Association for Hospital Technology) for excellent bachelor and master theses on the subject of hospitals and health institutes and that present innovative solutions, evaluations and/or excellent fundamental preparation.

As part of our customer project with the Charité hospital, Linda Rebstadt had the opportunity to write her master thesis, which discussed the topic of constantly growing data quantities within the health care sector, as well as advancing the provision of data for medical users based on the ECG parameter of patients monitored in intensive care using a prototype concept.

Dipl.-Wirtschaftsingenieur Cord Brüning, Chair of the WGKT (photo right) and Dr. Birgit Fouckhardt-Bradt, M.B.A., Deputy Chair (photo left) congratulated our colleague (photo center), who will stay at SVA as a Data Scientist following the successful completion of her master’s thesis.