Lifecycle Management of software and hardware assets

The ongoing revolution of the workspace and associated systems is presenting businesses with challenges at all levels. IT asset management at SVA focuses on all aspects of efficient and precise management of your software and hardware assets, including license compliance, audit support and prevention, risk management and support for business and IT processes.

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IT Asset Lifecycle Management

Do you lack an overview of the IT systems in your business? Do you not know where the dependencies lie? Are your service managers getting frustrated with outdated or missing information due to a poorly managed CMDB? All organizations, particularly those in critical infrastructure (KRITIS), are faced with the challenge of keeping their IT assets up to date to meet legal requirements. If the inventory is incomplete, it can represent a significant security risk.

Our experts can advise you on how to manage your IT assets efficiently and effectively. From process consultation to implementing the right solution, we can support you in IT asset lifecycle management.

How you benefit

SVA IT asset management combines our high technical expertise with comprehensive knowledge of hardware and software asset management. From process consultation to operational support, we can help you keep on top of assets, costs and compliance. Our services focus specifically on the needs of your business, irrespective of whether you are just getting started or are already using tools for optimization.

Why SVA?

  • Many years of experience in IT, license and software asset management
  • Certified partnerships with most leading enterprise software providers
  • Comprehensive knowledge of license models and metrics
  • High process maturity and consultation services even beyond IT
  • Partnerships with the leading SAM tool providers
  • Enterprise solutions for SMEs

Software Asset Management | SAM

Virtually all industry-specific sources promise significant potential for cost savings through SAM. We at SVA believe that exploiting this potential requires a high degree of expertise. After all, there are countless license models and metrics here. But when it comes to SAM, it is about more than just costs. We can help you improve your existing software so that you only use what your team actually needs, in a way that is sustainable and compliant with contracts and legal provisions.

Beyond this, we can help you with licensing and contract issues, and can provide comprehensive support in audits. Whether you use Microsoft, IBM, VMware, Citrix or any other software, our SAM specialists can aid you with whatever challenges you face.

We provide efficient support with a wide range of consultation workshops. During the workshops, our SAM experts can work with you, whatever your level of experience in software asset management.

Microsoft License Training

Are you becoming a SAMbie? We can help! Sign up for our customized license training and get solid, practical knowledge in Microsoft licensing. “Don’t feed the SAMbie – be aweSAM!”

Our certified MLP coaches will give you a detailed overview of the latest Microsoft license programs and product usage rights. We can also show you how to understand and use them correctly. Once you complete the training, you will be able to optimize your license model in a way that will help you save costs and meet compliance requirements. The Microsoft license training features a modular structure and focuses entirely on the specific requirements of your business.


Any Questions?

If you would like to know more about this subject, I am happy to assist you.

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Christoph Zurek Ansprechpartnerfoto
Christoph Zurek
Head of Competence Center Asset Management